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  • Electrify The Cosmos - 2025

Electrify The Cosmos - 2025

  • April 26, 2025
  • 9:00 AM
  • April 27, 2025
  • 5:00 PM
  • Kennedy Space Center, Space Commerce Way, Merritt Island, FL 32953


  • Members of Tesla Owners Clubs in other states. Code required to register. Obtain from your club.
  • Non-members of Tesla Owners Florida and other TOC's.
  • Reach out to one of The Event Organizers to inquire about being an Event Volunteer, Speaker, or Sponsors.


Sponsored by Signature Customs

Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex

Conference - Saturday April 26, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Only $60 ($30 Kids 14 & under)

Free Entry to Visitor Center + Lunch & Coffee Included!

Exploration Day (Optional) - Sunday April 27 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Only $75 ($70 Military & Senior, $65 Kids 11 & under).

Join us at The Center for Space Education at Kennedy Space Center for a Tesla/SpaceX/NASA Event! We'll have presentations & Q&A all day Saturday April 26 on Tesla, SpaceX and NASA, along with exhibits by select Club Partners.

The Conference Ticket on Saturday April 26 includes access to The Visitor Complex (Exploration Day Tickets sold separately) Parking, Lunch & Coffee ($120 Value!). View all the exhibits, including the Falcon 9 that Launched The Tesla Roadster, Dragon Capsule, Starship Tower, Space Shuttle "Atlantis", Saturn V & more!

The Visitor Complex opens at 9:00 AM for The Conference Day on Saturday April 26 in which Presentations by Experts, Celebrities, Influencers from the Tesla & Space Communities will run from 11:00 AM until about 5:30 PM.

After that we'll finish off Conference Day strong with a Custom Tesla Space Light Show at around 6 PM brought to you by TeslaBayTV.

See more details on our Event FAQ's.

Note: Presentations & Q&A will go on for most of Conference Day on Saturday April 26 so it is your choice how you balance your time between Conference & Kennedy Space Center Exhibits. Exploration Day will be following day on Sunday April 27 in which The whole Day will be dedicated to visiting The Exhibits (Exploration Day Tickets sold separately).

Join in on The Cosmic Treasure Hunt, TeslaCaching. Lucky or Sharp-Eyed attendees will unlock hundreds of dollar$ in stellar offerings from our Sponsors while exploring the event. Think geocaching but way cooler—powered by EVs and sprinkled with rocket fuel.

See more details on our Event FAQ's.



Join The electrify-cosmos Discord Channel to chat, check-in & share Photos & Videos with Tesla Owners Florida Members during The Event. Instructions on how to join below. And download The Wild Apricot for members App for iOS or Android to access your ticket, stay up to date on this event, and to RSVP to future Events.

  1. Open or Download The Discord App for iOS or Android.

  2. Login or Sign up for a Free Account.

  3. Go to the "+" sign in The sidebar, then "Join a Server".

  4. Then paste in The Tesla Owners Florida Server Invite Link - https://discord.gg/QTUMxUKmZs

  5. Join The electrify-cosmos Discord Channel.

And after The Event, upload all your B-E-A-Utiful Photos & Videos to our Shared & Organized Google Photos Album.

Event Coordinators: Nick Howe - Club President - 


Carson J Gallo - Board of Directors - carsong@teslaownersflorida.org

AJ Agarwal - Board of Directors - ajagarwal@gmail.com

Tolga Tohumcu - Event Coordinator - ttohumcu@gmail.com

Jason Blount - Event Coordinator - info@mrmadeinamerica.com

Glenn Cook - Event Coordinator - glenn@evtransports.com

Eli Burton - Event MC & Consultant & President of My Tesla Adventure - eli@grayspacegroup.com

See more details on our Event FAQ's.

Electrify the Cosmos is not sponsored by Tesla, Inc. TESLA, MODEL S, MODEL X, MODEL 3, CYBERTRUCK, POWERWALL and the “TESLA,” “T” and “TESLA and T Flag” designs, and certain other marks, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tesla, Inc. in the United States and other countries. The Tesla 'Meatball' is used by permission. This page © Tesla Owners Florida 2025.

Florida Tesla Enthusiasts, Inc. is an enthusiast club and 501(c) 7 non-profit organization. It is registered with the Florida Department of State and is also registered to do business in Florida as Tesla Owners Florida.

The use of the trademarked name "Tesla" in our club names is strictly for the nominative purposes of description and identification as granted by the Lanham Act for fair use of trademarks. Its use is in no way intended to imply any business affiliation with Tesla or its subsidiaries.

Our club is an official partner of the Tesla Owners Club Program. While it is recognized and sanctioned by Tesla through the program, Florida Tesla Enthusiasts, a/k/a Tesla Owners Club of Florida, is an independent enthusiast organization and is not affiliated with Tesla or its subsidiaries. TESLA, MODEL S, MODEL X, MODEL 3, POWERWALL and the “TESLA,” “T” and “TESLA and T Flag” designs, and certain other marks, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tesla Motors, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

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