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Virtual Meetup with Tesla Energy Management to discuss Solar Roof. (Public)

December 14, 2020 7:11 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

On November 10, 2020, we were scheduled to have a Virtual Meetup with the management of Tesla Energy in Tampa to discuss Tesla Solar Roof.  However, due last-minute personnel changes in Tampa, management from the Orlando office graciously agreed to substitute.  I was very appreciative that Brock Jamison, General Manager, Energy Operations, and Sean Hirlinger, Associate Manager - Solar Roof, planned to join us on short notice.  To kick things off, we provided them with some questions in advance.

However, when it came time to have the Video conference, we ran into another hurdle.  We didn't know that the Tesla private network had built-in security which prevented them from accessing Zoom from their network. 

In true Tesla fashion, Brock and his team figured out a workaround. One of his managers was able to join us with the PowerPoint slides, and Brock phoned in on audio to do most of the discussion.  In addition to Brock and Sean, I want to thank Eric Riffe, Associate Manager, Energy Operations, and Drew Schuler, Technical Training Specialist, for assisting in the questions and answers.

In response to a question about solar panels during hurricane, the Tesla Energy folks sent me this article:

Tyndall Air Force Base Proves Solar Not Just For Power Anymore

There's a link in the article to a short video worth watching.

Are you a Tesla enthusiasts and feeling a bit of cabin fever during the pandemic?  If you're not a member, but would like to participate in our next Scenic Drive, Virtual Meetup or Socially Distanced outdoor event throughout the state, please click on the Join Us menu item at the top of the page. 

Larry Chanin

President, Florida Tesla Enthusiasts

email: lfchanin@gmail.com

Website: teslaownersflorida.org

Facebook: Florida Tesla Enthusiasts

Florida Tesla Enthusiasts, Inc. is an enthusiast club and 501(c) 7 non-profit organization. It is registered with the Florida Department of State and is also registered to do business in Florida as Tesla Owners Florida.

The use of the trademarked name "Tesla" in our club names is strictly for the nominative purposes of description and identification as granted by the Lanham Act for fair use of trademarks. Its use is in no way intended to imply any business affiliation with Tesla or its subsidiaries.

Our club is an official partner of the Tesla Owners Club Program. While it is recognized and sanctioned by Tesla through the program, Florida Tesla Enthusiasts, a/k/a Tesla Owners Club of Florida, is an independent enthusiast organization and is not affiliated with Tesla or its subsidiaries. TESLA, MODEL S, MODEL X, MODEL 3, POWERWALL and the “TESLA,” “T” and “TESLA and T Flag” designs, and certain other marks, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tesla Motors, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

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